Hackers Who Break Indonesian Data Are Not Sophisticated, The Method is Simple

TechProvit, Jakarta - Less than a month Indonesia was attacked with many alleged data leaks. But where exactly is the fault for these many incidents?

Cyber security observer Ruby Alamsyah said from observations of 2019-2022 when data leaks in Indonesia occurred massively, it was seen that many government agencies were not aware of the security of their information technology. This makes the security is not carried out optimally.

"From the observations of 2019-2022, where there is massive data leakage in Indonesia, both in private government agencies. It illustrates that there are still many government agencies who are not aware of their IT security so they do not optimize IT security compared to the products and services that they want to convey," he explained.

He gave an example of big technology companies also experiencing big leaks, even though they have everything from funds, technology, to human resources. The reason is that the party who manages the data only focuses on delivering the product and finally it can be hacked easily by hackers.

Ruby says most data leaks happen in simple ways. "So that at some point hackers can hack easily. If we break into sophisticated, we give a thumbs up and there is an effort from the Electronic System Operator. But most data leaks are not sophisticated, simple," said Ruby.

Government agencies in particular are still vulnerable to leakage. The reason is the lack of human resources and technology.

"Indonesia is still very vulnerable, especially government agencies and often makes excuses for the lack of human resources and technology," said Ruby.

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